
Some code in p5.js prolog and python for context free grammars

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Some code in p5.js prolog and python for context free grammars


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Here I am starting to visualize a very simple, Context Free Grammar that describes Cuko’s communication. At this point the verbs are intransitive as Cuko is not interacting with anything yet. A syntactically correct sentence for Cuko is a Position Phrase and a Verb Phrase, or just a Verb Phrase. A Position Phrase has is a adverb_mode and a change in position. A Verb Phrase is an adverb_mode and a verb. Some examples are Cuko: “loudly moves right abruptly whines” , Cuko: “wearily moves down firmly presents paw” or the simple verb phrase Cuko:”wholeheartedly barks”. I hope to expand the visualization and the grammar rules and even add another dog. As it stands it this visualization is a sort of narrated random walk. I have also included a short video of my “interviews” with Cuko where I am trying to capture his communication abilities. I even refer to it as speaking. #creativecoding #p5js #contextfreegrammar

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Cuko is Serbian! The Grammar makes a few mistakes with Serbian which is much more complicated than English. See last post for more information. This week I have been revisiting Context Free Grammar and text. Perhaps preparing myself for my eventual return to teaching in Beijing, and being surrounded by yet another language. I used context free grammars in the distant past in Undergraduate with turbo-Prolog. I use it now with Swi Prolog for fun. In JavaScript and Python it is easy to expand but much harder to parse to a sentence to check. In prolog that’s a snap. Context Free grammar expansions are used in L-Systems which I have also been working on this week.#creativecoding #p5js #contextfreegrammar