Greg Kreisman 入乡随俗 上善若水

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Generative and New Media Art

Interactive and generative art, Art Worker

Chat with an AI version of myself as an Art Worker.

Connect with an AI version of myself to discuss my artwork (Huggingface assistant).

Contact me at

check out code git-hub profile

check out my Instagram

check out Art Workers Site

check out GENUARY 2025

check out Art Workers AI Boss

check out Luan Gallery installation and performance

interact with sound and cymatics with Chladni equation

Get a fortune from the Art Workers' AI fortune teller 东南西北

Find you place in your commute and the sunspot cycle with the underground boat

check out Gracie Art Hotel Residency

See mirrors for mirror workshop

See tools for the Manual of Everyday Life

explore the space of all social media posts, with "Socal Babel"

explore the space between several texts with generated images using Markov chain N-gram analysis.

Dance and draw with your nose, PoseNet detects your nose, inspired by CAFAM "Dance in the Musuem"

Enjoy an amimated watercolor seascape, inspired by CAFAM workshop on nautical painting (collaboration with Yuan RedJade and David Lane)

Explore the low level substrate of biology and technology usually ignored in our everyday life, (an art piece for Gracie Hotel residency)

See The Retro Terminal Gallery of Character set phrase images

Make your own image with Characters using webcam or phone camera

Look into The Chinese character mirror

Interact with Thousand Character Landscape

Interact with Conway's Game of Life, generate, pause, step forward or back

Interact with The GREG of Life, generate me, pause, step forward or back

Interact with The Philosophy of Life, you are a cell in the vast universe of cells

Interact with a speech about computers

Play Abstract invaders game

Use Commodore 64 sprite editor

Generate a poem from Kafka's Metamorphosis

Use The word and text scrambler

Interact with A festive Pascal's Triangle

Play Paddle and Shuttlecock

Interact with Modular multiplication OOP

Interact with a lissajou curve using sliders

Interact with an L-Systems fractal plant generator

Study with HSK Chinese vocabulary and Seal script

Interact with Game of Life code: Python, c++, c64BASIC

Interact with a fractal tree of seal script characters

Interact with the Mandelbrot set as a map for Julia sets

Interact with the Mandelbrot set. Zoom in 13 levels

Interact with Wolfram cellular automata. Enter rule number 0 - 255

Collide Wolfram cellular automata. It computes different rules on odd and even generations. The first rule's pixels are yellow the second rule's are red. Enter rule number 0 - 255

Interact with a chunky Wolfram cellular automata rule 90, that looks like a an Eastern European folk patern

Interact with code to visualize pythagrean-trees in recursive and non recursive ways

Interact with autonomous agents reacting to their environment according to rules and steering forces.

Explore the circle illusion with trig functions

Explore a cellular automaton that is also a map of the Collatz conjecture

Explore binary mapping to create recursive like images

Interact with marching squares in a Perlin noise field. Featured as a community contribution on The Coding Train

Play a new Commodore 64, Look Love, get all the hearts.

Interact with some visualizations of dancing lines with sin() cos() and Perlin noise, inspired by the work of John Whitney

Explore the Chaos Game

Explore 10 PRINT with prime numbers

Explore context free grammar of Cuko the dog

Explore some more L-Systems

Explore a simple visualization of modular multiplication

Explore an animated visualization of pythagorean triples, Project Euler 9

Explore an animated visualization of a spiral of prime numbers

Explore an animated visualization of lattice paths, Project Euler 15

Explore a larger animated visualization of lattice paths, Project Euler 15

Explore The yard in VR, no need for glasses

Read and explore the code novel for Nanowrimo 2020

Read a random sentence generated by a Chinese Context Free Grammar rule set based on Chinese sentence frames.

Explore a colorful visualization of the collatz conjecture.

Explore a rotating Maurer Rose.

Chat with a Mars rover. Rivescript chatbot that works with p5speech (Chrome only)

Use context free grammar to complete natural language tasks that are required of Grade 8 middle school students in Beijing public school English class.

Explore the bifurcation diagram of the Logistic Map and watch the period doubling to chaos

Create a fractal-like object using Diffusion-Limited Aggregation

Create fractal coastlines with random Koch curves generated with L-systems

Explore a Koch landscape with fractal tree drawn with recursion and lines and rotate()

Explore auto-playing snake-like game sensing like a Braitenberg vehicle

Interact with a pair of Langton's Ants and watch their complex behavior

Explore a Koch landscape with fractal tree drawn with a turtle named gurtle

Create a dynamic Mondrian painting

Explore interactive examples for Teaching Recursion Using Fractals

Explore an interactive dragon curve

Explore binary plots of the N, N^2, N^3, Triangular, and Collatz

Play the logic game Pico Fermi Bagels

Explore The orbital pattern of Venus and Earth

Explore a fractal world, mouseX to the right to spin

See a recursive puppeteer, it's puppets all the way down, mouseX to leave traces

Explore the fractal nature of crater impacts on the moon

Explore a random temple square, mouse click to spin

Explore 511 square fractals based on a 9 bit seed

Explore a world of islands generated with Perlin noise

Explore a retro landscape

Learn the Raven, with text to speech

Play with a lively sandpile

Create a Pi Day poem

Create more random fractal trees (vanilla js)

Zoom into a rainbow sunflower(vanilla js)

Explore the daily sunspot number for dates in history

Explore Collatz Castle, a Text Adventure based on 3n+1

Explore A turtle based Langton's ant that can turn at different angles

Explore The Arecibo message

Explore the burning ship fractal

Play with a falling sand simulation

Play with a falling sand simulation with Conway's game of life

Watch a bubble sort animation

Create binary tree mazes

Watch an array of electronic mice running binary tree mazes

Read the Thousand Character Essay in the longest path of a random maze

Explore maze like paths in an animated Ghost ladder, or Amidi Kuji

Explore patterns in a visualization of the fibonacci and random interger sets as a grid, using a summing reduction to a single digit

Explore the monsters that are created as the rows of Pascal triangle are plotted as 32 digit binary numbers in columns across the screen

Explore 1d cellular automata with a 16 bit update rule space. So there are 65536 rules instead of 256

Explore the fourier series for saw and square waves

Explore the orbit patterns of Venus and Mars as Fourier Epicycles

Explore Wolfram Elementary Cellular Automata plotted around a circle. Rules: 30, 110, 90, 150

Explore Wolfram Elementary Cellular Automata 3 colors 3 neighbors totalistic

Explore Genuary 2023 sketches and code

Explore God's Eye: animated cobweb diagrams of multiple functions

Explore the four main types of fixed points for iterated linear functions

Translate blinks into words using tap code

Translate letters into numbers and and blinks using tapcode

Generate text from a prompt using frequent following words from datamuse

Generate text of a childhood hallucination using a Markov chain of character level n-grams with autobiographical novel as a source text

Generate text of a childhood hallucination using a Markov chain of word level n-grams with autobiographical novel as a source text

Explore celluar automata in a von Neumann neighborhod

Choose your fate with a branch made of a network graph which was designed in a dream

Choose your fate with a population of optimistic and pessimistic network graphs which was designed in a dream

Generate a biblical textual hallucination, with a sine wave visualization

Explore the edges of meaning with cellular automata and English words

Explore the edges of meaning with cellular automata and Chinese characters

Create word lists with gaps for vocabulary

Explore an animated blancmanage curve

Explore an animated bitwise AND graph

Choose your fate with a rock, paper scissors agent model

Choose your fate with a rock, paper scissors, lizard, Spock agent model

Explore some random recursive trees drawn with a turtle

Talk to a simple 'why question' chatbot that will reveal your values and fears

Explore a Rock, Paper, Scissors, Cellular Automata

Change your subway commute with this boat

Iteract with an animal transformed into an everyday tool

Iteract with the showerhead that announced WW3

Immerse yourself in mesmerizing crack simulations using live video data with this algorithmic exploration

Explore the disconnect between idea and expression with two two Braitenberg snakes

Explore I Ching Hexagrams and A.I. blended art

Explore spontaneous beauty inspired by bricks that once signified bicycle parking spaces. please allow camera

Harness the power of the Erosion Canvas and its transformative cracking algorithm. Please allow camera

Harness the power of pixel sorting on an image from your computer

Generate text using Jackson Mack Low's Diastic reading on any text

Generate text using character level n-grams and a Markov Chain on any text or multiple texts